Wednesday 28 February 2018

Happy Purim!!

Hi All,

Tonight marks the start of Purim.

It involves:

  • Reading  through the book of Esther in the synagogue
  • Using a Ratchet every time Haman's name is mentioned in the reading
  • Acting in plays about the story of Esther
  • Dressing up and giving to charitable causes
  • Food
  • Drink - a lot!
  • Festive meal
  • Singing

Tuesday 27 February 2018

The universe

Hi All,

Time for a song :

Beast from the east

Hi All,

The mass hysteria on the recent Siberian weather - because London and the home counties have had  a few inches of snow. Hah!  Southern weaklings . They should try Yorkshire winters. Incidentally my  grandparents were fascinated by snow as they rarely saw it in Baghdad , but braved the British great freeze in the late 1940s .

 But has me thinking. 

How could the media spin this one ?

Here's my suggestions:

US  media : it's a Putin plot to undermine US democracy. Maybe Trump is somehow involved. So we need another  witch hunt ,  sorry, inquiry?

UK media :  It's because of Brexit. The Siberian weather wouldn't have happened had we voted remain. We must reverse Brexit. Then we'd have Caribbean type weather .

Conspiracy theory  Media : It's a Zionist plot or super weapon to unleash on Iran . Ok sounds daft, but ,well,  they did claim Israel has an alliance with dolphins-no joke-   who've agreed to  spy for the "Zionist regime" see here.

Monday 26 February 2018

It's official : we're NOT leaving the EU

Hi All,

Contrary to popular belief , we're NOT going anywhere.

Should we be surprised? The EU isn't interested in cricket or democracy. They've done this to other members, albeit smaller states, but not to one of the big four European states. But now Corbyn has come around to a/the custom union , they'll feel free to force a terrible deal onto the UK, hoping that this will force May and the Tory government to resign, to be replaced by a Labour government that will revoke Article 50. I bet that it won't even be put to another vote.

But let's say May clings on and we get " brexit in name only", never mind a vassal, we'll be a British version of the " veiled protectorate" as per the conditions of the EU transition phase e.g. right to close off European airspace and allow no appeals in the breach . I'm surprised the EU didn't insist that European troops occupy London and Birmingham, Scotland as an Oblast and Northern Ireland to be forcibly incorporated into the Republic of Ireland (with Gibraltar to Spain and Falklands to Argentina).

Israel apartheid week

Hi All,

From 19th February to the 18th April it is "Israel apartheid week". Don't ask me why a week can be 2 months, but this is the anti Israel crowd where black is white and white is blue. 

Why single out Israel - the only democracy in the middle east, where women can drive, with a high tech economy and where gays aren't thrown off balconies - for a week long hate fest? Why would Jewish students join in this ridiculous virtue signalling circus and in any case isn't such a week questionable given that anti Israeli activity can spill over into antisemitism ? 

And haven't students got better things to do , like study?!

But s here are a few helpful maps

And on ethnic cleansing (of Jews)

Sunday 25 February 2018

Thursday 22 February 2018

Student fee rebate?

So as this is the time of the university lecturers strike and not wanting to cross a picket line,  or rather not wanting to get into any altercation ,  I thus have some extra time to spend with Hannah... and of course this blog and you the reader.  The only thing is I think students should be entitled to get some refund for the fee in proportion to the length of the strike or at least a lower interest rate.

Or an I just a whinging student who should go back to toilet cleaning and my bar work? 

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Humanoid dinosaurs?

Hi All,

A sort of intro into my next theme , namely humanoid dinosaurs. I have often asked myself, if evolution is a correct scientific theory , why didn't dinosaurs ,who were around for millions of years never evolve into something more intelligent . I mean in the human sense of getting beyond primeval animalistic urges  i.e. creation of  language, culture , societal structure etc.  

After all humans have been on this planet for a lot less time and in less than 100,000 years have gone from caves to building  pyramids , aeroplanes, splitting the atom and even venturing into outer space....

Which leads me to this little clip from a couple of years ago , about this very topic :

I'd call them Homo Sapiens Dinosauria.

Monday 19 February 2018

Alternative reality Prime Ministers

Hi All

Via Ross Chimel, a hypothetical  look at  our Prime Ministers  since the second world war , had they been the opposite gender to what they actually were .

Now eagle eyed geeks will note that Lord Alec Douglas Home was left out , but not to worry as Chimmel  did do him/her as well, but couldn't fit him onto the montage :

Sunday 18 February 2018

Professional Revolutionary ?

Hi All,

I was thinking of doing a career move from capitalist to leftist  and much to my delight it seems that according to Marxist- Leninist & - Maoist & Trotskyist thought,  that well cool revolution, where no one dies and there's no genocides  happens thanks to the peaceful "vanguard" Momentum , Labour , Kommunistícheskaya pártiya Sovétskogo Soyúza which is full of the elite cadre of professional "revolutionaries" who , kinda like bring of the revolution!  Hey how cool! 🏄 😐

So like  even Marxism says some pigs are more equal than others ?

So how do I get a job to be  Che Guevara without the beard!?

Where do I sign to become a professional full time people's revolutionary, the dictator of the proletariat and stuff? 

And is Hannah "Out Loud " a sufficient nom de guerre for a red revolutionary and other stuff? 😉 

Friday 16 February 2018

Thursday 15 February 2018

Abolish charities ?

Hi All,

As a Jew it is a commandment for me to given 10% of my gross earnings to charity, although this does not have to be given to charities.  Which is just as well as I don't think I could actually given anything to many of the major charities, given what I see as infiltration by extreme left wing and anti Israel activists.

Given the current disgraceful scandal at Oxfam(which I have little time for, given their unfair criticism of Israel/way they dealt with Scarlett Johannsson) , I honestly think it is time to review the whole charity industry. Why for example do so many of the big charities actually get money from the government and European Union? Are they actually fit for purpose? And why do so many charities seem to be hotbets of left- liberal dogma ?  You see this in the commentary the Guardian has given the scandal at Oxfam. Oh and what is the actual amount spent on the people who apparently need this help? What is the possible justification for paying  £100,000 for the top people? 

But the real issue to ask is that do these charities actually reinforce the problems of 'the third world' ,  in so much as they seem to be the equivalent of 'helicopter parents'. In other words they swoop into a situation or see a problem, without actually thinking of the long term consequences of their actions on the people they try to help. It actually seems to me that it is a case of 'the white man's burden' . 

I would maintain that  the many problems of the third world stem from the lack of efficient and honest government, wherein charities seem to do the job that a government should do. I am currently at home and the tv is on in the background. There's an advert about some poor child from somewhere in Africa, who has to go to a dirty pool of water and then it cuts to some animals weeing into the same water. The charity says "£1 a month" could solve this problem. Then there's the donkey charity appeal. But why isn't the government of that country actually doing this if it is only £1 a month to solve?  The answer is in part corruption, but also I suspect that the government of that country doesn't care. Charities will step in and do their job, in whatever circumstances. There is no responsibility or accountability for their own people, no need to spend or plan on agriculture or water security , because someone else will do it for them.

Another example I can think of is Angola as Rainbow mentioned it on the other thread. Once a country torn apart by civil war and hit by the Portuguese  exodus after independence it is experiencing growth of 10 to 20% , in part thanks to oil and of course the lack of civil war. But one thing I noticed on Wikipedia  was that Angola has subsistence farming. But it does have fertile soil and uses only 3% of that land for this hand to mouth agriculture . Some of this land cannot be used because of the land mines left over by the war. But this means Angola actually imports food, whereas during the rule of Portuguese , it was a breadbasket . What charities should do is focus on clearing those land mines, training for farming and the tooling. This would make Angola sufficient in food and  provide the basis of  political  stability , ie the ability to feed people.

A final example I can think of in terms of self help and reliance is Israel. In the early years of the state Israel had to fend for herself. On top of this was the task of absorbing nearly 1 million Jews from Iraq and the middle east. The Arabs, one suspects, thought that such a massive flow of poor Jews (in so much as we'd been stripped of all property and wealth in order to be allowed to leave) would cripple the new state. It didn't , but it was extremely tough , with my relatives  who'd stayed behind after 1941 and a decade later  ended up in Israel, living in tented  desert  refugee camps in third world conditions.  Yet this was without charities or foreign government aid (America did not start to supply any aid until the later 1960s) and despite constant threat of destruction, in time Israel prospered and now has the highest life expectancy and per capita GDP in the region, an excellent education system  with other indicators akin to Western Europe.

So in short is it time to abolish or at least break up the big  charities (as aside from charity) or maybe stop government funding of them ?

Wednesday 14 February 2018


What was that all about?

Just a memory bubble from twenty years back, important and pertinent to our current situation,  but not necessary to dwell on now.

What, what? why can't I see?

You don't have any eyes I'm afraid. Or mouth, limbs and nose.  At least not yet .


I'm rebuilding them even as we speak, benefit of being my host  old boy


Mental speech.


You were a prisoner who had been tortured on that ghastly asteroid and I rescued you just after I blew it up

Yes! I remember. The government locked me up for some reason.  I can't remember why.

The memories are always a jumble at first .They will come back: I am a dab hand at this after 12,000 years of experience . Now just relax. Think of yourself as being on a beech, somewhere nice, where you'd want to retire.

Florida ?

Too far

Bournemouth ?

That's better. You are getting the hang of this, now please enter and I will explain all.

A Bournemouth beech hut!

I forgot to say, before you come in you might want to put on that bath robe. I of course have seem a million and one naked bodies, but I understand how you humans feel about such... delicate matters.

I notice there is a bath robe and a mirror.

Is this what I look like ?

Yes . Well actually what we look like. There's no I in we.

A  young body stares back at me. maybe I'm twenty something, curly  brown hair, a petit figure, breasts and and ... I'm a woman ?

How perspective of you

Hey couldn't you do something to my nose , maybe not make it so big ?

Certainly not ! I'm not a plastic surgeon. Your body is perfectly fine.


I once shared a body with Cleopatra


Put me off asses milk for the next couple of millennia ....In any case you come from a high gravity world, so in standard Earth  gravity you are extremely ... strong .

Like super girl?

No laser eyes I'm afraid. 

Hey what do you look like?

A brain


Now do come along! We don't have time for  you to stand around admiring yourself !

What's going on with the Stock Markets?

Hi All,

In a nutshell the major stock markets are in what we call a bubble , wherein company  shares are grossly overvalued in relation to the businesses profitability.  The market is correcting itself, but why the bubble?

The bubble began after the 2008 crash and subsequent bailouts of banks. In an effort to get banks lending again, which they didn't want to do, even with the ability to borrow with no interest , the desperate central banks and treasuries coordinated  around the world electronically " printed " vast amounts of currency, from $, £ , € , ¥  ,Chinese Yuan  & Swiss Francs. 

 This new money was allocated to banks , in return the central bank got  the   government bonds the banks hold as capital.  In China's case they simply told their banks to lend, lend, and lend , some of which outflows to the world via Hong Kong, ergo the high house prices in various global cities and for China an equally massive property bubble.

If you are wondering how this is done, it is really easy peasy.  Government debt is tradeable within an exchange. In the UK these are called Gilts, in America Treasuries.  So the investment banks buys at auction a nice of paper for £100 ("par value" ) which will pay £5  per year , for 5 years, after which you get the £100 back as well.  The government uses the £100 to fund itself.  The investment bank can either hold that paper and take £5 a year  or sell it on to members of the public, foreigners , other banks, insurance companies etc , for profit (or loss) . In the money printing game the central banks were buying up bonds above their nominal  £100 value.  Thus they made government borrowing cheaper and made asset holders even richer. 

For better or worse, banks sniffed a quick win. Rather than lending to sound businesses or people, they actually placed this  free money into global stock markets, property and loans to third world countries (higher interest rates , but highly risky) as well commodities (gold, oil, silver, platinum, and food stuffs) . In short,  the banks have gained from this fee state money and the other class is this notorious "1%"  or the people who already had assets and have seen these increased thanks to state money printing across the developed world. Personally I think the Milton Friedman "helicopter money "  would have been better distributed to the public on a per capita basis  without using banks as in effect money brokers. 

Now the party of a decade amount of free money is over , with the Fed , the ECB and Bank of England ending their bond purchase and increasing interest rates.  Thus there's enough people in the market who've decided to sell off , reasoning that the bubble ,with ever rising value,  won't continue. It's basically a de facto legal  pyramid scheme. If you bought when stocks or at least the solid "blue chip" were low and sold in January you'd be sitting on a nice cash pile , simply by virtue of a rising stock market , rather than being a result of  any acumen .

The consequences are what matters :

1). Who will buy the trillions of American , British and Southern European debt ,  when there's no central bank buyer?  And of course if there's less buyers, this means government will pay higher interest rates.  Will this bring down these in debt countries?

2). The social impact of what has been a state funded redistribution scheme for the very well off hasn't really been discussed by mainstream pundits. But this isn't surprising as they still cannot grasp the people's revolt or blowback via Brexit, Trump or even Corbyn.

3). If you're an investor then it's back to proper analysis and the  work of discriminating which stocks to buy and sell.

Monday 12 February 2018

She's back with a song

Hi All,

She's back-Mandy Boylett - the  52 year old Jewish  mother of two who gave us several cool Brexit songs during the referendum , such as this one:

Has got another one out:

Better effort and a million times more clarity than Mrs May...

Sunday 11 February 2018

BDS more important than day zero

Sadly the current crisis in South Africa could have been avoided if it weren't for the BDS SJWs and anti Israeli mindsets.

For those of you not in the know, Cape Town in South Africa is in the midst of a crisis and humanitarian catastrophe. Put simply the city and region is running out of water thanks to drought. There's been massive rationing of water and people are taking of day zero , predicted sometime in either March or April when water runs out entirely.  Then you can imagine what will happen as the city faces a societal collapse. You can survive without a lot of things , but water - H2O isn't one of them.

Sadly this whole situation could have been avoided as people were aware of it for some years. Who would you turn to knowing such a crisis was on the horizon?  

The answer is a tiny middle eastern state . It's called Israel, who is the world leader in all things water ;whether that's distillation, water recycling , drip irrigation or atmospheric water collection. Israel is 60% desert, yet thanks to the technological prowess of her population forests and wineries exist within the desert and is in effect  drought free.   It's one of the many reasons why Jews and Israelis can feel proud about the only Jewish state in the world, which uses its technologies not just for the good of Jews, but for the wider good of humanity.

Unfortunately way back in 2016, a conference to discuss the water crisis was stopped by the BDS brigade. Why?  Because there were (horror!) Israelis involved in the discussion. At the time there was huge amounts of gloating by BDS activists about stopping this event. BDS, politics and self righteousness over Israel was more important than stopping a potential humanitarian catastrophe.

Israel has repeatedly offered to and would help out in this crisis if asked. Alas the ANC led South African government has rebuffed, ignored and dismissed these offers , because they are pro Palestinian and have sympathy with the BDS cause, fully buying into the Israel apartheid myth. In addition Cape is the province run by the main opposition party ,so there's less incentive to actually do something about this situation.

 It is a beyond evil   that politics , blind  hate of Israel and her people is leading innocent people into a disaster. Especially when this could have been avoided. Let us hope that people will see sense and a disaster can be averted .

Saturday 10 February 2018

Cool new sci fi

Hi all,

I've pre ordered the DVD box set of the first season of "Orville", the latest sci fi show, courtesy of Fox. It's basically a star trek rip off, but funnier and cooler, for example the captain and the first officer are ex's , the medical officer self impregnated to have children, as she couldn't find the right man. You've also got some interesting aliens , aside from the Android discovering humanity trope,  such as a species  with only  one gender (male), a blob type who loves the medical doctor   and the absolutely  adorable/ hot  security officer from a high gravity planet, which makes her superhuman in strength.

Here's a teaser:

Thursday 8 February 2018

Had a problem with the plumbing

Hi All,

But now it's fixed 😃

Additional pages

As people will see I'm adding additional pages such as the comments policy and a Brexit page. These pages are there to facilitate discussion on topics which are not germane to the main posts.  More to follow (or not).

Wednesday 7 February 2018

Bermuda and gays

Hi All,

Bermuda is perhaps known for the infamous triangle, sandy beaches, being an insurance centre, a tax haven and now the first territory to repeal same sex marriage, because it is a parliamentary democracy.

So there is now tremendous outrage in Britain that democracy has triumphed over human rights. Although the Bermuda assembly has instead decided to allow for civil unions as opposed to civil marriage for gay couples. A one word difference provokes outrage. Although the left is silly over Iran.

Bermuda whilst it is a British colony is internally self governing and has been for 300  years. The governor had no choice but to sign this into Bermuda law. It was done by their legislature.  Parliamentary sovereignty and all that.. Besides which there is very little difference between a civil union or partnership and a civil marriage and it seems that the government of Bermuda tried to strike a balance between the socially conservative voters and a desire for gays to have relationships guarded by the state .

How many gay marriages were conducted in Bermuda? 

The answer is 6.

But does the left liberal concept of human rights stand above democracy and parliamentary sovereignty? 

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Story file

Hi All,

Follow the link below to access stories. They are being updated regularly so keep watching !

The return of the Onconvar

Wrath of the Bahar


Top level virtue signalling

It's being reported that Amber Rudd is " considering "  pardoning those suffragettes - those gallant feminists that us women should be eternally grateful towards - sent to prison for the crime of campaigning to allow women to vote, on the 100th anniversary of women being able to vote. 

Except that's all crap.

The suffragette movement was the social justice warrior organisation of it's day, filled with upper middle-class liberal women who had no idea how the bulk of ordinary women lived. Don't forget that the franchise for men at that point was based on property  and not universal male voting rights.

 When the suffragettes were sent to prison it was for good reason, such as assaulting  politicians, chaining themselves to fences and other activities included martyrdom , when one of them flung themselves (and died)  into the path of a horse at the royal races . Then there were hunger strikes. All of which achieved nothing and whose activities  actually hurt women's rights to vote when it came to parliament to vote on the matter. It was only with the advent of the first world war and women (i.e. the middle-class)  moving to work in factories as the men fought in the front, that universal suffrage became political mainstream. 

Hence why the 100th anniversary is 2018  and not 2011.  We can forget that the vote was only given to women over 30  or that the main reform was to make adult male suffrage universal , as previously the vote was restricted to various property qualifications. 

But that's not important. Let's indulge in some fantasy virtue signalling over these angelic feminists who led the way for women's liberation. Not only pardoned , but maybe a few statues or two. 

Sunday 4 February 2018

Don't mess with Nymphs!

Hoorah ! The nymphs are back!

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about , John William Waterhouse’s Hylas and the Nymphs, apre Rephaelite painting, was taken down from Manchester Art Gallery , to "provoke a conservation". The guardian notes this as"soft porn" and others say it should be taken down because of the "me too" campaign and the acceptance of rape such paintings bring (interestingly there's a Greek myth of a nymph seducing another man and that's where we get the term hermaphrodite from as for some reason the man and nymph were merged).

In short leftist feminists went into frenzied overdrive, about a  Victorian painting of a man being sexually seduced and enticed by several naked water nymphs. The result was a public backlash against what was in effect back door censorship of artwork - the second signal of a authoritarian / fascist state is control over art and writing- and the painting is now back where it belongs.

It is typically strange of the feminist left and puts them into the sane category as their opposites for equality as the feminist would want , e.g. Haredi Jews, conservative Muslims and people who genuinely think classic art is the same as porn (maybe so, but it is generally tasteful). Yet these are the same people who think it's natural and wonderful to breast feed in full public view ( not even discreetly) and who want to change public toilet and changing room norms. As usual it's all about power, rather than the subject matter, power to choose for you what is an isn't good, tasteful or allowed. I'm glad the British public didn't allow this to happen to this painting.

Saturday 3 February 2018

Why we're switched off to the Treasury

Hi All,

On the Mogg (who faced down a hooded leftist mob at a university debate on Friday night) verses Treasury "scenarios"  for the post Brexit economy . 

Well it's quite simple.  The civil service don't want Brexit. The Treasury especially . This isn't "Nazi Germany" as the guardian reports , but fact. REMEMBER  the project fear campaign during the referendum. Note , the same Treasury was telling us that by now we'd be in a worse depression than the 1920-1939 period, millions would be unemployed and that was BEFORE we'd have left the EU.  However we are not in a period  some great depression .  That's why we are switched off to the civil service /Treasury. They're like the boy that cries wolf.

We are in a period of great lack of leadership. As Sarah opined last week , if nothing else the cabinet should have an agreed coherent position. But the current power vacuum is destabilising constitutional government and democracy.  In retrospect May should have faced a full blown leadership contest. If the conservatives get rid of her, I trust they will have a full vote. In fact I'd like to see a primary type vote where conservatives voters and not just conservative party members elect the next leader. But I bet  they'll be another coronation/ sitch up.

Thursday 1 February 2018

Dr Who at its best

Hi All,

What other sci fi show would have a villain like this?  So cool and camp and satirical , te he.

Bolshevism run mad

Hi All ,

As if anyone is in doubt about the Labour party's  drift from social democrats to far left Marxist Stalinist Bolsheviks gone mad  we can read this report in the  Guardian.

A free society relies on private ownership of property : if the state needs- in exceptional need-   to buy such property it should be a full market value .  Anything else is Bolshevism i.e. Marxist- Leninist socialism run mad.

But note  the danger of socialism:

And the counter (not May and her entourage)

Happy gay songs

Hi All,

For all my friends who can't see a better light, but who want to and for those who have January blues, mental health issues, anxiety and depression,  for the general readers, some songs to provide cheer:

1) My "grandpa's song" :  when my grandparents fled  Mesopotamia and came to Britain, this was the song my grandfather would sing for my grandmother

2) This one is  personally very special - used to sing it during my bouts of deep depression-   and is  thus well cool:

AI :Utopia, dystopia or muddle through?

Hi All,

On the assumption there isn't some global catastrophe, it is almost inevitable that in the west we will see a visible  "rise of the machines"  i.e. artificial intelligence in the next two decades.  This new industrial revolution  will hit blue collar workers first, but take to its logical extreme there's no reason why AI cannot do white collar or  professional work.

In science fiction literature  there was initially great utopian hope about robots,  as like vacuum cleaners , doing household chores that women had to do (1950s/60s).  Then the literature became increasingly hostile to AI , with fears of an apocalyptic scenario as exemplified by Terminator: Whereas 'bladerunner'  was more of a muddle - through between these two extremes.

But the rise of AI does beg the question :  what are we going to do with humanity, if all the jobs are gone?  

There's a couple of scenarios , here's just a few :

1). The utopia :  humanity is akin to a socialist utopia where all humans are provided for and are all people of leisure. The robots do all the work .

2). The Dystopia :  not the rise of the machines , as in robots taking over, but more utopia  for  the elite.  On this scenario robots are the labour force and the elite 1%  live in this utopian luxury. The rest who don't have access to this are either culled like animals or live some kind of mad max living in the wilderness away from the enclosures of the elite. 

3). The middle- topia :  a mixture of 1 and 2. Yes there's no need to work as the robots do it, we can have anything we want.  But we have become  bored, unambitious , selfish, self centred, with the thrill of  seeking ever more stimulus from virtual reality, drugs and dangerous pursuits, rather than being able to reach higher , loftier goals. We've become a society where social media has become the court of law and where people are punished or rewarded by votes on a some mega computer....

Defence policy is in Νεφελοκοκκυγία

 Hi All, Much to my delight I have learned something new today and that is that Cloud Cocko Land was first thought up by the ancient Greeks,...