Tuesday 27 February 2018

Beast from the east

Hi All,

The mass hysteria on the recent Siberian weather - because London and the home counties have had  a few inches of snow. Hah!  Southern weaklings . They should try Yorkshire winters. Incidentally my  grandparents were fascinated by snow as they rarely saw it in Baghdad , but braved the British great freeze in the late 1940s .

 But has me thinking. 

How could the media spin this one ?

Here's my suggestions:

US  media : it's a Putin plot to undermine US democracy. Maybe Trump is somehow involved. So we need another  witch hunt ,  sorry, inquiry?

UK media :  It's because of Brexit. The Siberian weather wouldn't have happened had we voted remain. We must reverse Brexit. Then we'd have Caribbean type weather .

Conspiracy theory  Media : It's a Zionist plot or super weapon to unleash on Iran . Ok sounds daft, but ,well,  they did claim Israel has an alliance with dolphins-no joke-   who've agreed to  spy for the "Zionist regime" see here.

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