Monday 22 May 2023

Alternative history- the possibilities are endless

 Hi All, 

There are a plethora of choices a person can make in a lifetime and many different ‘what if’s’ of history. If you could visit these different timelines, what would you do? That’s the universal question and it is one that only a handful of species can actually answer.

This is just one of an infinite possible worlds where one simple divergence changes… everything.

In this scenario we go to 1944. It is the height of the Second World War and we need to look not at the battlefronts or the rantings of a genocidal madman, but the politics of America, specifically the ruling Democratic Party. As in our universe Roosevelt was President, but he was dying. Therefore whoever was or whoever became his Vice- President was a pitchfork in the historical road. For those who don’t know at the Democratic Convention of that election year, the party’s conservative wing succeeded in nominating Harry S Truman of Missouri for Vice President, in effect unseating incumbent- and ‘liberal’ (in American terms left wing) - Vice President Henry A Wallace. Truman would of course go on to become POTUS in April 1945, eventually overseeing the Marshall Plan, The Cold War ‘Truman Doctrine’, the Korean War and most controversially,  the dropping of the Atomic bombs on Japan. But what if Wallace had continued to be Vice President and succeeded Roosevelt and not Truman?

Let's find out.


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