Wednesday 31 March 2021

We're not structurally racist after all

 Hi All, 

After the BLM riots and knocking down of 'racist' statutes last year, which were provoked by the death of an American thousands of miles away and in which the police did bugger all (unlike every other single protest of the last year, strange that the police were willing to haul white middle class women  for just standing in a public space and away in hand cuffs three weeks ago, but not black people actually causing criminal damage  last year ), the government set up a commission to investigate. 

The commission basically says were are not a structurally or institutionally racist country. Cue a blacklash from the left be it on Twitter, media or the Guardian, as they only want to talk of oppression and- this is where I broke with the left about 12 years ago when I was at university - they pathologically need  to put this country down as a shithole, be it by her history or current place in the world or social structure and race relations. I would never suggest that British history is without blemish, but the desire to see even positive things in a negative way. You can't say Churchill was a British hero anymore because someone somewhere has decreed him a 'racist' and also responsible for 'genocide'  and equally get offended when you point out the reality of what the Nazis did to us Jews,  would have done to BAME people had they controlled what was the then British Empire. But no, mention that word and it gets even worse- not that anyone would dare as you'd probably be called a racist and either loose your job or get the police onto you (which is funny when you've had 3 burglaries in the past 3 weeks on the street and its as if the police act as if it is on mars). 

 I agree with the report that we are indeed have a model race relations in this country and we are not some racist and or shithole place. If it were , then people would be leaving here en mass, the left suggested this would happen over Brexit and we've neither seen Europeans go back nor thousands flock to the continent. The City is still Europe's financial capital and life goes on. 

In fact to live in Britain in 2021 is probably one of the best times to live, for most people. We don't have children up mines or as  chimney sweeps, we've got schools and university access for all, there's a minimum wage, there's a free at point heath care system. The life expectancy of people is going up and up. All the while the left like to see us as living in some racist or hell hole  jungle , with a history akin to the Nazis. Yet people still come to this island and will take great lengths to do so, such as trying to cross the channel in dinghies. France is across the channel, another rich first world country. So the would be asylum seekers could and should stay there, but they choose, really want to go and come to the UK . They clearly don't get the message of the left, that we are such a terrible place, that they shouldn't even bother trying to get here in the first place.  They don't because they know what the left refuses to acknowledge  :  we're a nice place to live and pretty decent people. There are racists, but that doesn't make a nation one. People do worry about culture, religion and their control over what they see as their country. And it doesn't mean that you have to accept the left wing idea of open borders for any one and everyone to come and live here as they wish and use the health services. That doesn't make you a racist. 

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