Monday 29 March 2021

The Anniversary of the Minotaur and Passover wars

 Hi All,

It was 38 years ago today, that the Earth finally declared victory against their foe the Minotaurs : a war which lasted 4 years and saw the freeing of trillions of human slaves, who were the descendants of three colonisation ships which had disappeared during the 1990s and which the less technologically advanced Minotaurs had enslaved. Exo-Wombs and time dilation accounted for the huge increase in population. 

The start of the war occurred when the Minotaurs started a pre-emptive strike against the 5th Fleet based at the Mau system, a shock which was akin to when Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941,  although revisionist  historians note that President Garibaldi mired in (baseless) scandal accusations had the week before called for action against the Minotaur. Such politics was quickly forgotten as Earth's defence forces liberated world after world, revealing the depravity, torture and experimentation as well as the bitterness of slavery itself , it quickly took on the scope -as far as the citizens of Earth were concerned - of a 'moral' or 'just' war. 

The war was started by a right wing President-Antonio Luigi  Garibaldi- and for most of it was bitterly opposed by most of the hard left, although its moderate and central wing flocked to support this national war and emergency  . The majority of the population - over 90%- supported the war and every year since it has ended there's been a public holiday in remembrance and celebration, which in true human fashion combined solemnity, with food and alcohol. 

The Witter sphere, a galactic micro blogging site and a bastion of whoever shouts the loudest, such as left- liberalism, especially of the student variety,  wasn't happy  at the anniversary celebrations :

 how dare anyone celebrate a galactic war, started by the 'fascist right', even if it were for the noble cause of anti slavery - which it actually wasn't - it was just a war to defend Earth's imperialist agenda, against helpless native aliens 

 all these war criminals had actually done  was to free these human slaves, only to shackle them to the yoke of capitalism. 

This racist  event must be cancelled. 

President Antonio Luigi  Garibaldi : a xenophobic  war criminal 

current President (then Major General) F'szoorg, along with, the senior Parliamentarians who lead their respective parties in each chamber should be tried by the interstellar community as war mongers.

Why did ( Marine Captain)  Emma Dumas (  Current Senate Leader of the left) save  the bigoted phobe  (Marine Major) Mark Shalhoub (Current Speaker of the House) in battle? 

What? Gerhard Mohammed  (Current House Leader of the Left) and Sir Gordon Godfrey ( now Senate Majority Leader) served and flew together on the Carrier Michel Bariner ? 

Why do the establishment left support this anniversary, it's just war monger imperialism 

What time is the demo? 

Are we bringing our own vegan food?

Mother Earth should be 'liberated' from the evil deeds inflicted on her by wicked humans: Gia needs us"

It is true that these far  left  types did have a hard time understanding this part of history, which in their view portrayed slavery as a sole product of the Anglo-Saxon Male Imperialist Capitalist  Patriarchy, undertaken by them to enslave women and people of colour,  gays, lesbians, trans people and anyone else the left could announce as an oppressed minority group,  whether in chains or by capitalism. The war of the Passover as it became known (as strangely enough the war began and ended just before the Passover festival) defied this logic, as you had an Italian male President  leading a war to liberate male and female humans, who were of all human races, enslaved because they were human, not because of their skin tone. 

Even more annoying to the left was that these now ex-slaves and citizens made a success of themselves on the newfound colony worlds.  Slaves in the view of the  left, were supposed to be ragged, poor and illiterate, needing democratic socialism as the knight in shining armour to save them from this oppression. It was true, these ex-slaves were poor and illiterate, in fact none of them had first or family names, just numbers as names,  but all were determined to make the most of their newfound freedom and embraced with relish 'the Earther dream' of self improvement from one's current status,  of being reasonably well off, which was achievable by merit, by hard work and determination, regardless of one's birth status and a desire that one's children would accomplish for themselves even more, fully embracing and believing in the 'Earther Dream' with gusto, they , after all, had nothing to loose and everything to gain. And made it so and helped to start an economic boom which later historians would call the 'gay '90s' (2090-2099). 'the gilded age' (2100-2119) and the 'roaring twenties' (2120-present). 

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