Sunday 17 January 2021

A song of the Svinge

Hi All ,

A song of the Svinge :

Svinge in their true form

In the year of 1200, when the great nations were called
The Multiverse to Byzantine for  a war that would last 
10 million years 

Flames were burning the galaxies 
Claiming lives Apep  walked in the path
She roamed through time and all of creation 
destroying everything in her way

Svinge 'encounter suit' when meeting other aliens

The uprising of dark forces 
Which hatred had born
Was roaming in the twilight of the nights
Decided to lay siege to the great Imperial City of Byzantium
And it was that rallying cry to defend what was left that became 
The song of Byzantium for 10 million years

There were  nations that were left, who firm and without rank
Four of them were the largest and whom 
Stood together to become the Allianz for 10 million years.

King Fak El Fak of The Svinge
Emperor Esther II of The Byzantines
King Monty VIII of The Varg (Mars)
Emperor Marduk of the Nachash

Their flags were waving in the wind 
Without false pride or exuberance
Their pride outbraved in a universal war  for 10 million years !

And as fate bound them together in danger and distress
They resisted the enemy
Each one for his own Fatherland 
But then together as brothers and sisters upon understanding 
of  this darkness

And the fought and they defied 
A vastly superior force 
And they fought and defended  
And won this battle 
But it taken 10 million  further years to vanquish this enemy 
to bring them to heal and for peace to prevail 

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