Wednesday 27 December 2017

Post Corbevite Britain

Hi All,

A look at another alternative reality...

Some people have the temerity to claim that socialism doesn't work. In fact it does. As the example of  Prime Minister "comrade"  Corbevite, the last ruler of a fully operational UK government  illustrates. He and his Labour party had successfully implemented socialism in one country. Now the UK was as rich as Mali, but poorer than Venezuela. This is the success of socialism, not its failure. It makes everyone poor and everyone equally as destitute as everyone else, with even Prince Charles scouring the rubbish bins of the local waste recycling centre. 

Successful socialism is akin to a virus ;  that  leaches on the population by taxation and spending  , until the money runs out. Then some more  cash is printed to keep it all going. Inflation recently fell to 1 trillion percent an hour.  The recently printed 11,000 quadrillion pound note was actually quite good for toilet paper. Certainly you couldn't buy a packet of bog rolls for a 11,000 quadrillion,even if the stores still sold such wicked evil capitalists  luxuries.

It didn't help that Russia occupied Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire ,the EU had troops in  London and the home counties , led by commissioner Dame Nicky Cligg and the UN took  the rest of the kingdom as "peace keepers". Plans were already afoot to annex  the newly formed Republica  Scotia (as Scotland was now called)  to Russia and Ulster to the Republic of Ireland. Nobody wanted Wales , but there was talk of Rowan Williams becoming the provisional President of the  Welsh- Cornish people's  democratic   Celtic Republic. England was to be spilt up into various spheres of influence, with Meghan I as Queen. Gibraltar was given to Spain, the Falklands to Argentina . 

Palestinians got Antarctica as Abbas had convinced the UN the seals are really Palestinian and Arab:  the penguin population are ,under international law, colonial occupiers of Antarctica.  A successful outcome for students and extreme left wingers who'd led the boycott of penguins;  they're obvious imperialists by being called emperor penguins you see. Plus penguins are white (and half black) and have privilege. The seals are  grey -brown and are the victim group. Even if they eat penguins.

The British defence forces were utterly incapacitated as a fighting force, not by any foreign powers, but thanks to successive Conservative and Labour governments. In any case what was left of the defence forces were too busy rounding up online social media troublemakers and Brexit supporters. So anyone could take whatever territory they wanted.

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