Sunday 17 May 2020

When will you say it's safe Ms?

Hi All,

"It's not safe!"

So teachers have been telling me about reopening schools -although they do point out schools haven't closed, they're just teaching key workers or a much lower class base and I guess that means less workload for them, so who would want to go back to a greater workload?

The problem is that they may or may not be right , depending on how highly you place the bar. Don't forget that there is nothing that is 100% safe and this is the bar that unions seem to want to reach, despite government bending over backwards to accommodate them . Of course this leads the public to ask teachers when do they think it will be safe?

1) when the r rate declines?
2) when there's a vaccine?
3) when there's a Labour government?

Of course having something as vague as when it's safe is a convenient holding tactic as I doubt even they think they could get away with a situation in which every other sector is back by August (even pubs) and they're the only ones being difficult and being paid 100% of their salary without having to be worried about being one of the 6 or 7 million who could end up being unemployed. If pubs are open by July / August then so should schools (forget the six week holiday , they've got catching up to do). People who work in pubs get paid the minimum wage . Teachers get paid £20K as a starting salary. It's a human right for children to be educated and we are a first world country.

Surely they wouldn't be so narrow minded?

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