Wednesday 6 May 2020

Are we nearly there yet?

Hi All,

Some have asked why we haven't really commented on the current situation much and the answer is simply that we're not a news service and in any case I'm personally saturated with news about Covid to the point I'm actually switching off -or at least to the media (right and left) with the negativity and second guessing and pushing whatever agenda they have ,e.g. the Guardian and this laughable  article,  although don't ask how a virus is being racist , but  then said virus doesn't seem to like men either and then they could suggest a virus should be accused of  sexism, but I know in guardian land sexism only applies to women.

In fact what we've seen from the media is akin to a child asking "are we nearly there yet"  when driving to a long holiday destination. This is true when they were clamouring for a lockdown, through to ventilators,  PPE, testing  and now ending the lockdown, whilst simultaneously finding fault whenever these were being addressed by the government.

Thank God the media isn't the government.


Are we nearly there yet?

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