Wednesday 9 January 2019

Grasping of reality

Hi All,

What a farce in the House of Commons. In the event of May's EU deal being voted down the government is now supposed to come up with a plan B.  That's great , but it sums up the problem with internal British elite politics. Both the country and the EU have "moved on".  The country wants to leave in one way or another , only the arch remainers are pressed with any and every which way to stop Brexit  . 

The EU has said it will NOT reopen negotiations. Even if it did , exactly what incentive have they got to hold anything approaching a willingness to compromise, given May's domestic weakness.   

To the perspective of the EU , they've compromised enough. Their project is more sacrosanct than anything , never forget that. Remainers to them are nothing other than Lenin and his "useful idiots".  They clearly don't listen to anything coming out of Brussels or European capitals. The EU has more important things to worry about, namely mass immigration and the political fallout, plus the ongoing crisis in the Eurozone. QE has helped masked such problems, but the structure of the Eurozone and the Euro are still ramshackle and won't survived the upcoming recession and financial crisis (they tend to happen like earthquakes or volcanoes on a fault line, every so often and we are overdue one).

As for the current government, I fail to see exactly how it could continue if they are forced to reopen negotiations.  But again if this happened exactly what would satisfy a divided house of commons?  Furthermore while we know the end objective of remain supporters is to remain, either by another referendum or parliamentary machinations ,  I fail to see exactly how they can do so. We are due to leave in March and that is that . Exactly how the House  are supposed to legislate and get a referendum- what question would be on the paper? - in for that time remains a mystery. 

In any case this does not answer the philosophical question : how can anyone place trust in politics , parties and politicians if the largest turnout of  voters in a referendum ,  by the people who elect them can causally be ignored and then overturned? At the time of the referendum it was told to us by remain that it was once in a lifetime , a final decision for a generation. We were also told by remain it was remain or what has now been called "hard brexit".  

Faithfulness and trust are the underpinning of democracy and democracy can prevail against populists, fascists, communists etc in almost any circumstances , expect when voters perceive and feel that the system is against them, that is felt to be a sham or that their votes do not matter to the elite. 

The remainers are unwittingly helping the undermining of the very system that's in place right now. Look at the House today. One side was jeering  the speaker and the other applauding him. In the UK , the speaker is neutral and not a party figure as in the USA, but he basically became one today. The system can't go on like that as they system has been overturned. That and  remainers ,  thinking half their countrymen are bigoted, xenophobic and fascist for having a view of wishing to exit from a trading political cum supranational state  and a view which let us not forget actually won. 

In respect of amending parliamentary legislation , that's something they can do , but one must remember that no parliament is bound by its successor , so any legislation can be changed in future. In addition , most of the legislation  is practical ,  substitution of EU law for UK law, as opposed to doing anything new. This is just a waste of time.

What then is the answer? May's deal is crap  for the UK. The EU don't want to reopen negotiations.  The only other alternatives are hard brexit or remain. I reject remain, so hard brexit it has to be.

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