Thursday 6 September 2018

The insanity of socialism run mad is not just a threat to British Jews

Hi All,

I guess people may think we were going to discuss the recent travails on Labour and its NEC elections. The thing is I have already said what I wanted to say (or rather rant) about in previous posts. There was also a report in the Jewish Chronicle that says a survey indicates about 2/5s of Jews would leave or consider leaving if Corbyn came to power. I don't know if I'd be one of them ,  although 2 out of my 6 siblings have already left for Israel, but that's the level that we've got to and it's a disgrace. It isn't *just * Corbyn, who is now a figurehead for a much wider and broader section within Labour - the hard or far left- that have successfully infiltrated Labour since his election win. The old social democratic, liberal tradition of the labour party being 'Methodists, rather than Marxists' has gone.

The real worry is not that Corbyn will win, but that whoever takes over is likely to be as or more extreme, not just on Israel, but matters closer to voters hearts, the bread and butter issues such as taxes, spending and the role and power of the state. Usually our British political culture shuns extremes and the centre of gravity is always centre to centre right (ALL Labour governments have only got into power when accepting a centre- right platform).  However the politics of today is different and with Brexit (as former Governor Lord King noted) being cocked up by the Conservative Party, who knows what will happen when new elections are called. And we know the hard left is not this fluffy sentimental, hugging tree types, but vicious , ruthless and hardnosed about setting up their utopias and they don't care who they kill or murder in doing so. Look at very far left regime and you will see it.

Let's use current examples :

1. Venezuela

A country with one of the largest reserves of crude oil on the planet. It should be a fairly rich, middle income country. But what happened? Mad far leftists took charge and have screwed the country. Elections still take place, but they are nothing other than a sham, with political opponents arrested and beaten up. It has suffered from hyper -inflation , some 1,000,000% per year, so much so that they weigh notes, rather than count them in order to buy- if it is even possible - bread and coffee.

2. Cuba

A socialist paradise, but how many people try and flee it each year in order to get to Florida. Again a country which produces a luxury item- cigars - which could along with tourism provide the basis of a viable economy. Yet the country is set in a 1960s timewarp because they can't import modern cars or medicines. Enough said.

3. Zimbabwe

A country similar to Venezuela, in so much as it has a lot of natural resources and was at one time a massive agricultural producer. What happened? A leftist dictatorship took over and began in the name of this odious creed,  adopting stated legislated racism and  theft of property, in this case farm land (because the farmers were a minority of the population).  The country went through a similar hyper inflation period to Venezuela, because what socialist ideologues don't understand is that you can't just thieve people's property and put anyone to work on the land , as modern farming  requires skills and experience . We could add South Africa to this list as they are also pursuing  property theft against their minority farmers in the name of justice and equality. They should and I bet of course they do know, what happened to their neighbours in Zimbabwe.

What was that famous quote from Einstein about repeating the same mistake twice? Well in the far left's case they've repeated it dozens and hundreds of times. But it still doesn't stop them. We should also mention the USSR, Cambodia, Eastern Europe (Romania for example where the socialist decided that the economy would boom if it forced people to have dozens of children or China wherein the state adopted the opposite policy) , other socialist African states, Peronism in Argentine.  Everywhere the far left takes control it ends up increasing inequality, poverty, death, hunger and the decline of the general wellbeing. What does humanity fall for such a load of stupidity every time?!

Image result for einstein quotes repeating same mistake

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