Thursday 11 January 2018

The ring of fire

Hi All,

Multiple  supersonic nuclear tipped fired from the  Gaza strip, hit the gas rigs of the Leviathan Gas Field,  130 km west of Haifa, the latest depository of natural gas in the eastern Mediterranean. It was meant to disrupt Israel energy supplies and cripple her economy.  

It did more than that:  the release of so much energy cracked the Mediterranean sea bed, whilst on the surface a vast column of superheated plasma travelled in all directions at twice the speed of sound until it hit land, people were scolded to dead with flesh slipping off their bones like a well boiled lamb shank. 

The sound of the explosion could be heard as far away as Dublin. Underneath the cracked seabed a  mega tsunami greater than the one which destroyed the Minoan civilisation formed. The whole region was hit will varying degrees of devastation .Israel, Egypt, Greece, Cyprus, Crete, Turkey ,Lebanon , Syria and of course Gaza took the full force. France ,Italy, Spain, Portugal and Gibraltar on the other side of Mediterranean also took lesser, if significant,  blows. Even in London windows were smashed.

While the shock of this event reverberated around the world, fundamentalist preachers lost no time in interpreting this event as a sign from Allah. The people of Gaza, most of whom were dead or dying,where in fact martyrs in paradise. Furthermore Allah had punished the apostate Arab regimes, the Zionist entity and its supporters. Now that the Zionist enemy was on its knees the time for holy armies to retake Al Quds and Palestine.

Not that this happened. The Martians , for whatever reason, decided to intervene.

'So what in the Sam hell did you do?' Asked the American ambassador to the UN.

The Martian , dressed in the traditional frock coat and top hat, smiled. 'Just what the UN had been suggesting for the past umpteen years: we've created a two state solution for Israel and Palestine. Quite literally'.

Seeing the confused look on her face he explained ' we  moved Israel out of harms way , but also copied the land you see. The Palestinians get what they've always wanted and so does Israel.  It's just that Israel, the original version, is now an island in the middle of the  Indian ocean. We are of course providing aid and supplies so they can rebuild'.

'They'll complain about this you know'


'The Palestinians, if they think theirs is a copy'.

' There is no pleasing some people'.

' Well hopefully it will bring peace to the region's

The Martian laughed. 'Somehow I doubt it, but I do wonder what the leftist at university are going to boycott now'.

' What  do you think'

'Cats. They should boycott cats'.

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