Friday 8 May 2020

Shabbat VE day !

Hi All,

Happy VE day !

Wherein the "grand alliance"  of the British Empire , the USA and Russia finally crushed the warmongering genocide Nazis and their villainous empire  building. My own family , my grandparents and great uncles  , both gentile and Jewish were able to be be a part of that terrible war that killed millions and resulted to the murder of six million Jews, but eventually resulted in the liberation of Europe and the world  .

However the  nations could not have reluctantly banded together if it were not for the defiance of our "nation of shopkeepers "  and I'm particular Churchill who rallied the nation to fight on whatever would happen (he was opposed by what today we call "remonaners"  or at the time "appeasers") :

Am yisrael chai!

Shabbat Shalom !

God save the Queen!

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