Thursday 27 December 2018

Peel and May

Hi All,

As is customary this time of year me and Sarah have accompanied my sister and brother-in-law to sunny west Midlands Staffordshire- our in laws are quite frail and ill with dementia and cancer , so it was an emotional time.

Today we decided to visit the sir Robert Peel museum.
For those of you who don't know Peel is known as the Prime Minister who spilt the Conservative party for fifty years due to wanting to repeal the corn laws. He is also known as a reforming Home Secretary , reducing criminal law and making it more humane and just, while also creating the basis of modern day policing in the UK and abroad. The idea was the police should be there to defend people and not to suppress them as an arm of the state.

Today in British politics people are drawing analogies between Peel and May. Both were Home Secretaries and both became prime minister and both spilt their party.

But I think the comparison is flawed. Peel reformed the criminal justice system and wanted police to protect the citizen. May did the opposite : do you feel the police are there first to defend the citizen or there as an arm of the state enforcement?  Do you think May splitting the Conservative party is honourable or just a political tactic?


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