Thursday 18 October 2018

Medium or rare burgers?


I noticed there's no open discussion so I will start one.

Some people have asked 'can you do beef burgers like steaks e.g. medium, rare etc.

The simple answer is that yes it is of course entirely possible to cook a beef burger pink in the middle. But unlike steaks it is a lot more dangerous. In a steak any bacteria is on the outside of the meat, even in a fully compliant hygienic kitchen there will be an element of bacteria present.  The cooking process eliminates the bacteria on the meat (even with blue steaks).  

As beef burgers have a primary ingredient of minced beef  from  steak , once you put that through your mincer (at least that's how I make my burgers, rather than buying them made) , the bacteria is all over the meat. Therefore unless you want to take the risk of getting something like e coli  or semolina from a medium or rare burger, the best practice is to cook it all the way through. 

Note even steak  tartare is either seared or slightly steamed. But I wouldn't eat that either, for the same reasons.

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