Friday 18 May 2018

Europe's Poynings' Law

Hi All,

A chap said to me the other day that with all the Brexit  talk of customs union, Irish border and "regulatory alignment" , it felt as if both the European Union and in a twist of irony ,  the Irish Republic (1) want a European version of "Poynings' Law ". Not being familiar with this ,I had to look it up and discovered that this was a law passed in 1494 which subordinated the Irish parliament to both the Irish privy council and the English privy council. In effect no legislation could be passed without either of these bodies consent. It also bypassed both the Irish and English parliaments. 

My friend warmed to his familiar theme:  the EU is like medieval Europe , that is a patch work of states , held together in a sort of holy Roman empire , with  the Commission the EU's Papacy.  

The Commission is both seem as a revered holy  force , a good force for stopping wars and promoting  tolerance etc, but also a bad one which can conduct inquisitions, regulates and enforces the current dogmas , plays political intrigue in a way that would make  cardinal Richelieu  blush (2) , has the self proclaimed powers of the "donation of Constantine"(3) , but isn't the absolute power and is just one political force on the European stage, which  has long ago become hierarchically and bureaucratically corrupt.

In this view Brexit is like that start of the reformation , with similar events in Greece ,  Netherlands , Italy , Hungary, Poland , France and Germany. The counter reformation, is apparently being talked up by Germany and France, but so far have led to nothing. In Britain the remoaners are like cardinal Pole and those who put Queen Mary onto the throne.

Seems all very intruding to me, but what do readers think?  Is there a parallel here?

Shabbat Shalom anyways . And yes you can indulge in a bit of an open thread too.


 1). In addition so does Ireland . Oh the irony!!

2) Tim curry version of course

3)   faked document apparently from Rome's first Christian emperor giving the Roman papacy massive secular and spiritual powers and see also dictatus papae , which includes among other things papal power overthrow Emperor's and kings . Sounds like the Commission to whit Greece, Italy, Ireland .  The papacy was the source of authority in giving to the English monarch  the title "Lord of Ireland"  . Later during the discovery of the new world the pope used his self proclaimed powers to via Inter caetera give them to Spain, but later  split these vast territories with Portugal under the treaty of Tordelo. This was promptly ignored by France, Netherlands and England.  Henry VIII  got the Irish parliament to make the country a kingdom with him as king , after the reformation.

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