Friday 5 January 2018

the Hirsel accords

Hi All,

In the 1950s , when Britain was rebuilding after the second world war , a giant zigguart was discovered underneath the city of Birmingham.  In one of the chambers of this monolith  was a portal, a space bridge to another universe, built by the natives of Mars as a way of escaping a war that they were losing.

After the first trepid explorers entered the portal they returned with visitors, the Martians themselves. In the Hirsel accords ( named after the  Scottish stately home of the Foreign Secretary of the time)  the Martians agreed to give humanity the usage of  space exploration technology. The zigguart was designed to build and  send probes throughout our galaxy, each carrying a device capable of instantaneous transportation from one point to another, a stargate .

In return humans agreed never to step foot into the Martian universe (unless asked) and to share any and all information on the planets and people encountered with the Martians . Oh and 'our' Mars would be recognised as sovereign Martian territory. The zigguart itself was transported- "beamed" - to Mars and the British stargate moved to the Falkland Islands....

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