Tuesday 28 November 2017

Soft left, Brexit and Von Papen

Hi all,

My theory is that fundamentalist arch remainers will  do anything to stop brexit. There's no price high enough to do so. Hence my Von Papen theory.

Now for those of you who don't know who Von Papen was , he was the guy who entered into a coalition with and therefore let the Nazis into power. Once in the door.... the rest is ' history'...

I'm NOT suggesting that the extreme socialist left that currently controls Labour is or are  Nazi. What I'm suggesting is that the centre left liberals and remainers are so fixated by brexit they are happy to see the current Labour party put into power & like Von Papen who thought he could manipulate and control Hitler,  these soft leftists believe they can "control" Corbyn and his hard left acolytes, eventually  getting rid of them for a blairite figure. 

This is a dangerous conceit. People thought the same of another conviction politician from the right,  Mrs Thatcher. And I doubt that Corbyn and his acolytes would allow such a coup or take it lying down. 

Morgan Stanley , the American merchant bank, has recently noted that a Corbyn government is "worse than hard brexit"

Soft left liberals are playing with fire and they haven't and can't control the hard core left. ... they need to accept the vote and move on. Not undermining it at every opportunity,  and subsequently trying to overturn the result, which in itself is bad for democracy. If an elite can overturn a result of a democratic vote, what is to stop people from eventually ignoring democracy and it's smooth transition from one party to another? That's what REALLY bugs me about this referendum . If the soft left  continue on this trajectory and go against a democratic vote and put Corbyn into power ,  the results will be far far worse than anything negative about Brexit.

Never mind the Morgan Stanley report.  Just remember Comrade Corbyn and his praise of socialist paradise Venezuela....

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