Hi All,
Once upon a time in an alternative reality...
The left liberal undergraduate students were in outrage as they
decided to strike (not take their exams) ; there were riots across America as
various coalitions of the American liberal left came together to oppose
the latest expression of GOP, racist, colonialist, slavery supporting, Cis
gendered, straight, white male privilege, even worse this time it in cahoots with the old Imperialist oppressor
Fascists of the British Empire, whom it was well know had interfered and ‘meddled’
in the last few elections in favour of the GOP!
The coalition included The IARAW (Irish American Republic Army of
Woke), The MLM (Muslim Lives Matter) , ALLAH (Africa American Liberal
Left Alliance of Hope), FARCE (Feminists of America Racial Community For
Equality), , CUNTP ( Continental Union of Nationwide Transgender Persons)GLAT (Gay,
Lesbian Alternative Lifestyle) , SJWUS (Social Justice Warriors of the United
States), BB (Bollinger Bolsheviks) ,ASWD (Allied Straight White Dudes) & finally
AMLW (Alliance of the Marxist Leninist Woke) . All of them were armed to the
teeth as they marched on Washington DC for a showdown at the British
What did the British do then to upset the American left? Well it was
technically nothing to do with the British government as such, but one of their
Universities called the Royal Greater Manchester Collegiate University
& Educational Seed Trust. This University was founded several years after
the Anglo-Soviet War and had the academic rigour and tradition of
Oxbridge, with a billion pound fund, with a special mandate to open up other
educational centres across known space, which 40 years later it had done in
What you may ask could cause such an angst in our American Liberal Youth?
The answer is because the University was to be called 'The Robert E Lee
University of America' and its first College was to be called
Wilberforce, to be based somewhere in Texas (mainstream America was still in awe at the recent battle of the Constainople straits where the Med Fleet of the Royal Navy, had thrashed the Russians at a 'new Trafalgar' or 'Tsushima', despite being outnumbered 5 to 1 or quite how the Anglo-Martian Marine and Para force undertook an amphibious
and air assault on Sebastopol within five days and initated an overthrow of Russian President Pytor Kryuk, followed the French President Emmuel Limace's delight at hosting a peace conference.
To the American Left the idea that any American University should be named
after an infamous confederate general was anathema and bordering on Fascist.
Except that this Robert Elijah Lee was born in 1920s Shanghai, the son of Eleanor
Mofaz, of a prominent Baghdadi Jewish family and Ying Set Lee of the
Court of the Dragon Throne . Lee's life was worthy of a Hollywood movie, for
whilst he was born into a relatively upper middle class family, they were forced to leave China, during the Japanese occupation. After many
adventures Lee became part of General Slim's 'forgotten army' and after
world war II, joined the nascent IDF, fighting in both the war of independence,
the Suez campaign, the six days war ,the Yom Kippur war, finding the love of
his life and building his business empire in between.
When the Soviets invaded
Britain in 1976, despite middle age, Lee volunteered to assist the
British in their war and rallied the Manchester Jewish and Chinese Communities
to fight the Communists. For his services in the war , including saving the
Life of key resistance leader Prince Philip, he was created a Baronet , being
granted a 3,400 acre country estate and pad in the home counties. Eager to help
Britain rebuild after the war he pooled all of his (relatively minor) business
interests and maxed out every line of credit he could find and bought the
Dudley Steam Boiler Company, which he transformed into a Interstellar Conglomerate
/ keiretsu. Now at the age of 103, 26 years older than the incumbent
POTUS Judas Sinn Féin Bidet, albeit Lee still maintains fluent cognitive functions.
Not that this mattered to the American left- Lee might as
well have been a confederate for being a Zionist -imperialist -colonialist and
being Jewish (albeit of middle eastern extraction) meant nothing as Jews were
as Whoopie Cushion recently told us 'whites' , successful and therefore came
with that privilege of race. As for being Chinese it was well known that 'Asian
Americans’ were far up the ladder of privilege than other minorities and were
de facto 'uncle toms'. In any case even if Lee was associated with the
British Labour Party, this meant nothing as that Labour Party was, for taking
Jim Callaghan's lead in fighting against the Soviets, nothing other than a 'Bonapartist' party, rather than a
Democratic Socialist one ( Labour should have refused to form a coalition with Mrs Thatcher, surrendered and embraced Soviet Socialism, leading Britain as a Warsaw Pact pupper State, instead Callaghan as Prime Minister refused to do so and the result was millions of deaths, so the historical revisionist thinking went). Enough said, the left said.
As for Wilberforce - the English (whom America
had fought against as a tyranny) , politically Conservative, devout Christian
Evangelical who campaigned and eventually passed legislation banning the slave
trade and slavery within the vast British Empire (well before America), this meant
nothing to the left . For a start it smacked of 'White Saviour Trope' in which
the white male cis gendered patriarch interlopes, patronises and takes
over the role that an African-American or other minority should & could in
any way take . Wilberforce was a Conservative Tory, part of the British Mercantile
elite and a white Evangelical , so part of the GOP before the GOP
was created, a Lindsay Graham in a powdered wig &
breeches ! He was nothing other than a privileged white man of the patriarchy
taking away the thunder that should have been the purview of the oppressed
black slaves- and let us not forget he voted to compensate slave owners for
their loss of property!!.So naming a College after Wilberforce, however, well
intentioned was just plain wrong and not how to be an "ally".
So as the left coalition came to Washington, the British Embassy went into critical mode. Would they be attacked and now that the police force of the Capitol had been disbanded, would any federal agency help them?